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한의학 발간표준

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한의학발간표준 게시판
KS KS P ISO 18615 한의약 — 전자식 요골동맥 맥파분석기 일반 요구사항 https://www.kssn.net/ks/indsearch.do?kwd=18615
KS KS P 3104 일반식 온구기 https://www.kssn.net/ks/indsearch.do?kwd=P+3104
KS KS P 2081 한의약 — 뜸 시술공간 일반 요구사항 https://www.kssn.net/ks/indsearch.do?kwd=P+2081
KS KS P 2080 한의약 — 탕약 식별을 위한 표기 가이드라인 https://www.kssn.net/ks/indsearch.do?kwd=P+2080
KS KS P 2048 한의약 — 혀 영상 획득 시스템 — 일반 요구사항 https://www.kssn.net/ks/indsearch.do?kwd=P+2048
KS KS P 2012 한의약 — 침 시술 감염 관리 https://www.kssn.net/ks/indsearch.do?kwd=p2012
KS KS P ISO 19611 한의약 - 공기 배출형 부항기 https://kssn.net/ks/indsearch.do?kwd=19611
KS KS P ISO 19610 한의약 - 홍삼 제조공정 일반 요구사항 https://kssn.net/ks/indsearch.do?kwd=19610
TR Controlled vocabulary on Japanese Kampo crude drugs(KAMPO 관리 약재 용어) https://kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=23021
IS Infrared moxibustion-like instrument(적외선 뜸 장치) https://kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=Infrared+moxibustion-like+instrument&category=&subCategory=&callLoc=Y
IS Coding system of formulae (방제 코딩시스템) https://kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=iso+20334&category=&subCategory=&callLoc=Y
TR Controlled vocabulary on Japanese Kampo formulas and the indication codes for the products(KAMPO 관리 방제 및 코드 용어) https://kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=iso+23022&category=&subCategory=&callLoc=Y
IS Skin electrical resistance measurement devices(피부저항측정기) https://kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=iso+20495&category=&subCategory=&callLoc=Y
TR Infection control for acupuncture treatment(침시술 감염관리) https://kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=iso+20520&category=&subCategory=&callLoc=Y
IS General requirements for the manufacturing process of natural products(한약재 제조공정 일반요구사항) https://kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=iso+19617&category=&subCategory=&callLoc=Y#
IS Artemisia argyi leaf (애엽) https://kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=iso+20759&category=&subCategory=&callLoc=Y#
IS Labelling requirements of products intended for oral or topical use(식의약품 라벨링 요구사항) https://kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=iso+21371&category=&subCategory=&callLoc=Y#
KS KS P 1928 한의약 ─ 뜸기구의 일반 요구사항 https://kssn.net/ks/indsearch.do?kwd=p1928
KS KS P 1927 한의약 ─ 한약 추출기 https://kssn.net/ks/indsearch.do?kwd=p1927
IS Coding rules for Chinese medicines in supply chain management(한약 공급망 코딩 규칙) https://kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=iso+20333&category=&subCategory=&callLoc=Y
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