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한의학 발간표준

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한의학발간표준 게시판
IS Laser Acupoint Radiation Device (레이저 경혈 기기) https://www.kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=22466%3A2021
IS Determination of aristolochic acids in natural products by HPLC (한약재 아리스토로크산 측정) https://www.kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=23190%3A2021
TS Clinical Document specification for prescription of TCM decoction pieces (한약재 음편처방 임상문서구조) https://kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=23030
TS Categories of clinical terminological system to support the integration of clinical terms from Traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine (통합의학 (한의약 -현대의학) 지원 임상용어 시스템 카테고리) https://kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=22990%3A2019
TS Computerized tongue image analysis system -- Part 4: Peripheral visual instruments (설진기 - 4부 : 시각기기) https://kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=20498-4%3A2020
TS Computerized tongue image analysis system -- Part 3: Colour chart (설진기 - 3부 : 색상차트) https://kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=20498-3%3A2020
TS Abdominal physiological parameter detector (복부 생리학적 변수 탐지기) https://kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=20758%3A2019
TR Computerized tongue image analysis system -- Part 5: Method of acquisition and expression of tongue colour and tongue coating colour (설진기 – 5부 : 설색 및 설태 색상) https://kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=20498-5%3A2019
TR Priority list for developing standards for single herbal medicines in ISO/TC249 (ISO/TC249 개별한약재 표준개발 우선순위 목록) https://kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=23975%3A2019
IS Salvia miltiorrhiza Root and Rhizome (단삼) https://kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=21314%3A2019
TS Microscopic examination on medicinal herbs (한약재 검경절차) https://kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=21310%3A2020
IS Pulse Waveform format (맥파 파형 포맷) https://www.kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=22894%3A2020&category=&subCategory=&callLoc=Y
IS Traditional Chinese Medicine -- Vocabulary -- Part 2: Processing of Chinese Materia Medica (한의약 용어-2부: 한약재 포제) https://www.kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=18662-2%3A2020&category=&subCategory=&callLoc=Y
IS Glass cupping device (유리 부항) https://www.kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=22213%3A2020&category=&subCategory=&callLoc=Y
IS Electric heating moxibustion equipment (전기식 온구기) https://www.kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=21292%3A2020&category=&subCategory=&callLoc=Y
IS General requirements of electric radial pulse tonometric device (맥진기 일반요구사항) https://www.kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=18615%3A2020&category=&subCategory=&callLoc=Y
IS Therapeutic Fumigation Devices (치료용 훈증기) https://www.kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=21291%3A2019&category=&subCategory=&callLoc=Y
IS General requirements for smokeless moxibustion devices (무연뜸의 일반요구사항) https://www.kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=21366%3A2019&category=&subCategory=&callLoc=Y
IS Computerized tongue image analysis system -- Part 1: General requirements (설진기 - 1부 : 일반요구사항) https://www.kssn.net/front/search/list.do
IS Thread Embedding Acupuncture Needle for single use (일회용 매선침) https://www.kssn.net/front/search/list.do?kwd=22236%3A2020&category=&subCategory=&callLoc=Y
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